New Year; New YOU

Hello, Goddesses; welcome back! I hope that you are enjoying your New Year’s Eve. 2020 will be a year of growth and true awakening for the divine feminine energy. It is time for each of us to step into our divine purposes and live our truth authentically. Today I challenge you to spend an hour (at least) with yourself celebrating the years behind you and making plans for advancement, freedom and growth in the coming year (and all of the years to follow). Make it special, a true celebration. Light some candles, dress in your favorite dress, put on makeup, have a glass of your favorite wine, while playing beautiful music. Grab your journal and write everything that you are grateful for. Visualize who you would like to be in 2020 and the new decade. Where will you live? Who will be there with you? What will you be doing?What will be different from the years before? What will you let go of? Now write your own story in your journal (in the present tense) while really focusing on the way you will feel when the story unfolds. You may also decide to create a vision board with pictures and words that describe your goals and desires. Have fun, forget any worries and celebrate. I wish you all the very best and most amazing life in the coming years. I will be continuing with the topic of ‘Developing Feminine Intuition” next week. I also have a few other things coming for you, Goddesses in the coming year. This is only the beginning; I thank each of you for joining me in this journey.

With love, 
Luna Rai


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