Emotional Mastery

Welcome back Goddesses! A couple of weeks ago we wrapped up our brief introduction to developing feminine intuition. Today I would like to continue with the topic of Divine Femininity by moving into the topic of ‘Emotional Mastery’. Emotional mastery is essential to the feminine Goddess. As a feminine woman, being emotional can be a huge part of your very nature. Naturally feminine women operate more often from their emotions than someone on the masculine side of the scale. True masculine men operate from logic; their emotional nature may even be totally undeveloped. Even though being emotional is completely natural for a feminine woman, it can also be detrimental to act from a place of emotions first. Women have destroyed their relationships and even their lives by allowing their emotions to get the best of them. Its a fact that women who commit violent crimes are most likely to commit ‘crimes of passion’. This means that in the heat of an argument, disagreement or fight a woman acte...